Find Dr. Muyal on Dundas and Bloor Street West Dental Office
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Toronto Dental Care Location
Bloor Dundas Square Dental Office is located 5 minutes walk from Dundas Street West Subway Station. Bloor Dundas Square building is easy to access by subway or streetcar.
Dental Care office is located on the top of Roncesvalles Village and also a part of High Park in Toronto. It is a convenient location for residents of Rocesvalles Village and High Park to find their Roncesvalles dentist and a High Park dentist, at the top of Roncesvalles Avenue.

Our Thornhill Dental Care
7368 Yonge Street, Suite #209, Thornhill, Ontario L4J 8H9, Ph: 905-889-2727

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First-time patients;
you may fill out and submit
your Health Information Form Online,
prior to your first visit with Dr. Muayl Dental Care!
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